WHATS NEW? (V2.8.8):(Cracked)
.) Addjusted HUAWEI B960, E970, B970 Router Unlocking.
.) Addjusted LG INFINEON Unlocker
Supported Models:
GB102, GB105, GB106, GB109, GB125, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG285, KG288,
KG289, KG370, KG375, KF510, KF600, KP100, KP105, KP107, KP109, KP112, KP270.
- Supported Interfaces: Normal Com Cable, Prolofic USB to COM Cables, Vygis, SeTool,
UniBox or any FTDI Based Universal Box, UFS-x Box, (needed Cables: KE500, KG800).
(more LG Models are in work)
.) SL0 Unlock / Repair Supported now. (but only with UFS Interface at the moment, because jaf new firmware need rework to support it at all).
.) Improved Nokia Boot Data reading... now HASH, ASIC ID, ROM... is readed perfekt for ALL BB5 Phones.
.) Phones with APE are supported too... like N73, E61, E61i...
.) Addjusted possibility to disable the Self Tests and SD Data check when read Phone Info.
.) Some Bug fixes and cosmetical changes.
click here for download